Mission Outreach & Cancer Ministry 2018

Convalescent Ministry
Manchester Manor 2018 The GMBC Mission met 6 times in 2018 on Saturdays providing Spiritual Support to the sick and shut in. Mission provided Christmas presents to the patients in December. “When I was sick you visited me.
Community Turkey Giveaway
Annual Turkey Drive 2018 The GMBC Mission partnered with Heal LA, Exquisite Limousine, ECC Tech, and all the congregation to resource and distribute 118 Turkeys in November 2018 to needy families of South Los Angeles. ‘To God Be Glory”
GMBC Food Bank
Manna From Heaven The fourth Wednesday 11:00 am partners with the LA Regional Food Bank, And World Vision Inc. To feed and resource over 2000 families this year. “When I was Hungered, you Fed me”
Annual 2018 Turkey Drive
Thanks be to God for the Mission Workers and volunteers, sponsors who made this event a tremendous success. Next year we are targeting 150 families in LA. “Lets start now”

Downtown LA Homeless Clothing Effort. “Warming the Wounded"
Volunteers sewed and collected blankets, beanies, and provided Personal Hygiene kits to residents of downtown Los Angeles.

December Toy Drive

This year with the help of our member contributions and Partners such as LMU, and World Vision Inc.
The annual GMBC Toy Drive benefited 62 children/families in South Los Angeles. “Joy to The World”
Upcoming Events
Street Witnessing every 4th Saturday at 9:30am
M.O.M./Cancer meetings: 1/26, 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22 at 11:00am
March 30, 2019 – Cancer Support Fellowship Luncheon
June 29, 2019 – open for workshop
July 22nd to July 26th, 2019 VBS and Free Back to school supplies