Rev. Raymond A. Dennis, Pastor
7301 S. Avalon Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90003
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:05am -10:30am
Trustee Board
Pastor Raymond Dennis; Dea. John Nettles (Chairman of Trustee Board); Dea. Willie Prater; Sis. Mary Tolliver (Financial Secretary); Sis. Faye Mann, Treasurer Sis. Veronica Jenkins, Mr. Fred Sanders, Trustee
Dea. Melvin Benjamin (Deacon Emiritus), Dea. John Nettles, Dea. Willie Prater, Dea. Alfred Wesley, Dea. Willie Mann, Dea. Melvin Toregano, Dea. Fred Sanders
Brotherhood Ministry
President Dea. Melvin Torregano; Vice President Shaffer Hayes; Executive Recorder Fred Saunders
Christian Education
Bessie Tolliver, Director of Education; Hazel Betts Sunday School Superintendant
Sunday School Instructors: Quentella Hayes (Ages Youth); Loria Dennis (Ages Teenagers); Kathi White, Bessie Tolliver & Hazel Betts (Adult Women); Pastor Raymond Dennis, John Nettles Jr. Alfred Wesley, Dea. Melvin Toregano (Adult Men).
Nursery School
Sis. Nikie, Tiffany, Delores, Iris
Mission Department
Sis. Pearlie Moore, President; Sis. Janice Dotie, Vice-President, Sarah Toregano, 2nd Vice President, Missionary Outreach Ministry: Loria Dennis Cancer Support Ministry: Sis. Loria Dennis, Food Clothing Ministry 4th Wednesday
Young Adult Women's Ministry
Music Ministry
Sis. Louise Duncan, Minister of Music; Dea. Alfred Wesley, President; Sydney Ginyard, Organist
Youth Choir - Neisha Moore, Director
Men's Chorus - Alfred Wesley, Director
Women's Chorus - Sis. Sarah Torregano, Director
Adult Choirs - Dea. Alfred Wesley, Director
Inspirational Choir - Jonette Nettles, Director
Drummer - Stacey Tolliver, Asst. Drummer, Kiauni Tolliver
Ushers & First Aiders
Sis. Veronica Jenkins, President; Sis. Macon Mann, Vice President; First Aiders Neisha Moore, Verchelle Strayhand, Delores Tolliver
Hospitality Committee
Veronica Jenkins, Sarah Torregano, Janice Dottie
Assistants. Sis. Verchelle Bethune, Iris Fuller, Dannelle Bethune
Youth Department
Ms. Kathi White, Director, Sis. Loria Dennis, Scholarship Coordinator; Sis. Rekesha Dennis & Rashanna Dennis; Praise Dance Ministry Coordinators; Rev. Raymond Dennis, Young Believers And Disciples (YBAD)
Administrative Staff: Sis. Jonette Nettles, Secretary; Sis. Hiedei Fuller, Asst. Secretary; Sis. Mary Tolliver, Financial Secretary; Eric Fuller, Asst. Treasurer; Mr. Eric Fuller, Asst. Financial Secretary
Minsterial Staff: Rev. Raymond A. Dennis, Pastor; Rev. Able Owens, Pastor Emeritus
Pastor's Office Hours
New Members Class & Pastor's Care Counseling
Sundays: 10:00am
Personal & Marriage Counseling
1st & 2nd Tuesdays: 7:00pm
email: gospelmissionmbc@gmail.com
phone: (323) 759-8087
How to Contribute to Our Ministry
Send a Check or Money Order Made Payable to:
Gospel Mission Baptist Church
7301 South Avalon Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90003
Drop off any clothes and / or non-perishable food items at our church location. Call to schedule an appointment for charity/donations pick-up
Online Donation
Each person should do as he has decided in his heart — not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 CSB